Mexico: Building a World’s First Class Tourist Destination
In 1970, Cancun began its resort development. Nowadays Cancun and Los Cabos are the two main tourist areas in Mexico and they are about to reach saturation.
Mexico has become over the last few years, a world first-class tourist destination. Now the focus is in other regions with high tourism potential such as Loreto, in Baja California or Nayarit, which is located in an enclave south over the Pacific Coast. This complex is called Costa Caporno and there will be available spots for newly investors in January of 2014.
According to Mr Lopez Negrete, the head of Mexico’s tourism board,
Mexico is diversifying its tourism since the crisis and the fall of American tourists in 2008, the sector has diversified and is now focused more on those tourists from the so-called BRIC countries such as Brazil, India, China and Russia. The tourism from Russia has experienced a phenomenal growth of 78% during the first quarter of 2012 while Peru, South Korea and China have also grown considerably.
The fact that 23 million tourists visited Mexico in 2012 is helping the investment of infrastructure for tourism by the Government of The Prime Minister, Enrique Peña Nieto. Besides it is also considered a high priority in the Government agenda.
The country’s tourism has a “bright future”, says Kirk Kinsell, IHG (Intercontinental Hotels Group) board member and president for the Americas. “We are very confident of the long-term growth prospects in Mexico.”
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