Shakira’s Most Viral Video in History
The partnership between Colombian singer Shakira and Activia has registered more than 266 million reproductions worldwide. It has hit a record in popularity on social networks, being shared more than 5,375 million times and getting 1.1 million likes on Facebook.
It was the first time that Danone launched a simultaneous campaign in 50 countries with the same image and a famous celebrity.
Shakira is on top. She is a successful entertainer with a huge following on Facebook, where she has over hundred million likes.
This video has generated an unexpected success for Danone’s Activia Brand, surpassing the Volkswagen carmaker spot called “The Force” that lead for 3 years the first position in the ranking of the most shared spot of all times.
Activia 2014 Shakira Ad
The Force Volkswagen Ad
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