Cuban Diaries
The following are press excerpts about Cuba nowadays; we think that the country is fighting for its place in the globalized world without compromising its history or breaking up so quickly. Perhaps it’s not happening fast enough in the eyes of the majority, but clearly baby steps have been taken. Click on each title to read the full articles.
Cuba Moves to Attract More Foreign Investment
“Cuba needs from $2 billion to $2.5 billion a year in direct foreign investment to advance its socialist socioeconomic model, to be prosperous and sustainable,” said Vice President Marino Murillo.
Cuba: Pay Increases Announced for Medical Workers
Salary increases for the Cuban doctors that are going abroad to help the poor in Venezuela and Brazil.
Protesting in Venezuela, With Antipathy Toward Cuba’s Government
The influence of Cuba in Venezuela’s affairs and how the two governments still meshed after former President Hugo Chavez died.
Some Who Fled Cuba Are Returning to Help
Cuba Emprende is an organization that has helped and guided many Cuban entrepreneurs to open up local businesses.
Cuba Cuts Taxes for Foreign Investors
The new law, like the current one, allows for 100 per cent foreign-owned companies and does not explicitly exclude Cubans who are citizens of other countries, but in practice authorities have in most cases insisted on 51 per cent ownership of joint ventures and have not allowed Cubans living abroad to invest.
Raúl Castro’s government is building gated housing communities for families tied to the military and the interior ministry to maintain loyalty.