Understanding Latin America Still Has Clear Cultural Socioeconomic Divisions Is Crucial For Successful B2B Market Research

B2B research in Latin America is one of the fastest-growing types of research. These markets have gained tremendous strength in recent years and have become a very important target for researchers worldwide. It is important to note that certain targets have specific cultural biases so it’s essential  to have the correct level of interviewer. Unfortunately Latin America still has a class system based on socioeconomic level, therefore in order to interview certain levels of respondents you need to have extremely qualified interviewers and/or moderators who will be able to build rapport with the respondents which will allow us to get the data or insight that our client needs. In comparison to other regions, people in Latin America often work longer hours and there are usually more gate keepers to go through in order to access the right respondents. Middle to lower management respondents are often not as difficult to approach, however high level Management, including C-level, are often difficult to approach. We have successfully completed projects with all levels of respondents, and in all types of industries.

Having the right recruiters and proper incentives is crucial to the success of any B2B project in Latin America. Also having a flexible methodology according to the specific level of respondent will yield successful results.

Our B2B industry expertise includes (but is not limited to):


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