Colombia: An Investment Focal Point

Colombia seems to be in the HOTSPOT, as it’s said on the website of the Government of Colombia, the international press is highlighting Colombia as an investment focal point. Forbes Magazine indicates that “the investment environment in Colombia is much…

Brazil is Leading Data Privacy On the Internet

Last month, on April 24, 2014, Brazilian President, Dilma Rosseuf signed into law certain statutes that contain privacy provisions and ensure network neutrality. These, protect companies from intermediary liability. The President was quoted on her website, “The internet you…

Cuban Diaries

The following are press excerpts about Cuba nowadays; we think that the country is fighting for its place in the globalized world without compromising its history or breaking up so quickly.  Perhaps it’s not happening fast enough in the eyes…

Mexico: Land of Opportunities

Accordingly to the Mexican Interior Ministry, the country has reached a historic milestone; more Americans have been added to the population of Mexico during the last few years than Mexicans have been added to the population of the US. The…