SEC Levels in Brazil
Minha casa, minha vida (My home, my life) is one of the most ambitious programs of Dilma Rousseff Government for this legislature. The program was created to eradicate the favelas by giving accommodation to 2.4 million people in 3 years. Despite of this fact there is also in its portfolio a billionaire infrastructure plan that includes renovation of ports, airports and roads to be partially finished before the World Cup starts in less than 500 days and totally ended for the Olympics in 2016.
As indicated in the attached interview of the Brazilian Minister for Cities, Aguinaldo Velloso, the middle class has increased, there has been a migration from lower classes into the middle class. In 10 years Brazil has reduced its lower class in 48.9 million people while the middle class got around 52.1 million more people, nearly the double and the upper class had a vast increase as well, they used to be 13,2 million people and now they are 29,1 million.