Latin Fresh - Our Blog

The Aztec Tiger
Aztec tiger begins to sharpen its claws; this is the FT article that we would like to share with you about the booming mexican economy. There are some factors that deserve to be highlighted: The international investors claim their love…
Latin Field Announces Membership in CASRO
Austin, July 11 2013 – The Board of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) has voted to approve the membership of Latin field. CASRO, founded in 1975 and with more than 325 member companies in the U.S. and…
Facebook kept Brazilians Informed of protests progress
Earlier this Summer Brazil had a series of very wild protests, sinking Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff approval rating by 27% points in just about three weeks. The main complaints for these protests were in regards to the high cost of…